Well..since Cohen was diagnosed with Autism not so long ago we have had a lot going on in regards to getting help. So much paper work and testing is involved in everything we do but the Help is beginning to arrive and we are thrilled. I have actually seen a lot of progress with Cohen already. For one we (Clay and I) are seeing things differently and learning how to parent Cohen with different expectations.
We got Cohen and I-pad because we learned how great they are for Autistic kids for educational purposes. I didn't think it would hurt to give it a try. Before we bought the ipad Cohen would not use his hands to push buttons, he would just take our hands to do things he wanted done. Now, he takes the ipad turns it on, goes to the ap he wants and plays the games, listens to books, or watches Netflix. I am amazed at how much progress he has made with just that. There is one Ap that is called Emoticons and it helps Cohen express how he is feeling..such I am Happy, I am Sad, I am Angry..and many more. Cohen was sitting at the table the other day and said, "I am Happy." What? ...That is the ONLY time he has ever expressed himself, it felt so good to hear that. There are more examples, but that is my favorite.
Also, Cohen is now in speech therapy one day a week, he LOVES it. They are not only helping Cohen they are helping ME. I am learning new strategies in helping Cohen with speech and transitions. We are about to start occupational therapy, which I think will also be one day a week. We are working on the paper work and Cohen will begin a preschool her in Gilroy! We are thrilled with all the love and support we are getting for him! Thank you all, friends and family, for loving us and our Cohen and for your continued prayers.

He is our sweet boy! Can't wait to see what happens with all the help!!