If you know me well, then you have met our 3 kids. I haven't met anyone that hasn't instantly fallen in love with Cohen. He has this way of stealing hearts, well he for sure has ours.
We love our Cohen so much, but have struggled for a while with how to deal with him. Not that he is bad, he is just difficult. Cohen doesn't talk much, other than repeating things and it really frustrates him that he can't communicate with us, and really not understand.
Our Pediatrician was concerned and sent us to a Clinical Psychologist. After much paper work and a long day of tests they have diagnosed Cohen with Autism. I think we sort of knew that is what they would say, and I have to tell you it doesn't make me sad. I am just so EXCITED to get help! We need it and I feel this is really going to help him grow into the little boy he was meant to be. A whole lot is going on in his little world and we just want to be invited in!
So, for all of our close famiy and friends that know our struggles thank you for your prayers and concern. And for those that don't know we ask for your prayers and understanding with our precious boy!

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