Well, we hit the beach again, I think we will be spending a LOT of time there. The entire family loves it. With it being only an hours drive it's easy to pack up and go for the day. I have been wanting to get back to Monterey to get some more Sea Glass, it is so very neat. Clay and I have been reading up on it so it makes it even more exciting to find it now.
First, we went to the actual beach with the sand for the kids to play in. It was a chilly day so we had to have light jackets and hats. We saw people out surfing which was neat, but other than that not a lot of people out there. The kids enjoyed some digging in the sand and running from the water. Actually, Cohen was trying to get in an swim and yes eventually he fell in. (that was time to leave) Cohen was FREEZING but I seriously doubt he learned his lesson :). If he weren't so cold it would have been hilarious. After we got everyone changed and cleaned up we went to the Pier so Mama could get her sea glass. Cooper walked down with me and we searched for at least 30 minutes. Cooper said we were Pirates looking for Treasure. It was so much fun :). (and I had a great helper) Some more people came down where we were and Cooper said Oh No Mommy we have to get them to leave they are gonna get our treasure! :)
Lastly, Coffee time for Mommy and milkshakes for kiddos. Another fun Beach trip!
Love the pictures! Makes me envious for the beach!