This is Birthday Month for us. Cooper and Cohen both have June birthdays as well as several others this month..so we do a lot of celebrating!! Our sweet Cohen turns 2 on Thursday and we had his first celebration this weekend with his Nana and Grandpa. He loved having all of the attention on him. He loved his cake and ice cream but I think his favorite was his balloon. And he is actually saying Ball..Yay Cohen!!!
We had the pool and water stuff set up to play on as well..so everyone stayed really busy. Nana and Grandpa spoiled the kids rotten of course, they got so much Love and Attention..they never get that :).
Nana and Grandpa gave Cohen an attachment to his train set and some trains that he absolutely loves. And Cooper got a spiderman skateboard and helmet and all of the padding that you could think of. He thinks he is the coolest kid in the world. Our little professional skateboarder. So of course Daddy has to take him back to the skateboard park so he can try it all out!
We had a wonderful Celebration and look forward all the wonderful things that Age 2 brings to our little Man!!
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