My Family

My Family

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can they Get any Cuter? :)

More pictures with the Grandparents

Botanical Gardens

Clay and I like to take advantage of a lot of the pretty/fun sites B-ham has to offer. We Love to go to Botanical Gardens and it helps that it is free :). We loaded up the van early yesterday morning for our day trip. Because the kids are Sooo active we haven't tried to do any Group or Family pictures. It's just not possible to get them all together at the same time and also sitting still. So we did our own little mini photo shoot as we walked the Gardens. We really enjoyed ourselves and got a few cute shots!
And of course at the end the kids got to play in the water!

Not another 2 Year old

This is Birthday Month for us. Cooper and Cohen both have June birthdays as well as several others this we do a lot of celebrating!! Our sweet Cohen turns 2 on Thursday and we had his first celebration this weekend with his Nana and Grandpa. He loved having all of the attention on him. He loved his cake and ice cream but I think his favorite was his balloon. And he is actually saying Ball..Yay Cohen!!!
We had the pool and water stuff set up to play on as everyone stayed really busy. Nana and Grandpa spoiled the kids rotten of course, they got so much Love and Attention..they never get that :).
Nana and Grandpa gave Cohen an attachment to his train set and some trains that he absolutely loves. And Cooper got a spiderman skateboard and helmet and all of the padding that you could think of. He thinks he is the coolest kid in the world. Our little professional skateboarder. So of course Daddy has to take him back to the skateboard park so he can try it all out!
We had a wonderful Celebration and look forward all the wonderful things that Age 2 brings to our little Man!!

Jesus is My SuperHero!

Cooper had a End of the Year Musical that the kids worked REALLY hard on! I know that they practiced for at least a month because Cooper came home singing the songs to me. Gammy came to town to see the show and we all went to see our big boy sing his heart out. They sang about 3 songs and dressed up like SuperHeros. It was amazing to see that many 3 and 4 year olds stand still for that long and sing songs. Very very proud. At the end he got some balloons for his big show and he was Super excited!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cooper's End of the Year Art Show

Cooper's 1st year of Preschool has really flown by. He has really enjoyed it and so have I. I think it has helped him in so many ways such as his speech, socializing him, art, letters and numbers. I am so proud of how well he has done and also how much he just loves his teacher and friends. Cooper is very high strung and full of energy but also very loving and sensitive.
There have been quite a few things going on the last few months of school. This past week Cooper had an Art Show at his school. Parents and family could come and view all of the art displayed in the hallway and classroom! Really cute stuff, I could tell the kids and teacher worked really hard. Cooper was really proud to show off his work! :)

7 months

Cenley has already hit the 7 month mark! I am enjoying every minute with my sweet
girl! She is the happiest baby I have ever seen and she is just Pure Joy! Every day she seems to be learning more and doing more things! She has said Mama and Dada! And those usually come at the whiny times! Fine with me I love to hear it :)

She has discovered all the noises she can make and get attention with. She makes herself sneeze all the time. She thinks it his hilarious and sometimes I don't know if it's real or fake. She is perfecting the sneeze.

As for eating she does really well. Cereal every morning and baby food for lunch and dinner. I try to feed her before the boys are at the table because she shows out for them. By spitting and blowing her food. No fun for Mommy! Yes..she is a Ham and LOVES her Brothers!

Most Improved

I give Cooper the Most Improved Award with his experience with Soccer. I could tell he
picked up quite a few skills from his sessions. Cooper liked soccer and enjoyed his "friends" but he didn't just love it like some other things. But, I am so glad that he had this experience with a team environment.
I think Mommy enjoyed watching even more than Cooper liked playing :). His last game was this past weekend and Cooper scored 3 times!!! Yep in the other teams Goal! He didn't get that and we just told him Good Job!! They had an awards ceremony and he got a medal that he is very proud of! We are very proud of our Star Athlete! :)