Can my baby be 3 already? It's so hard to believe. I have so much Love for Cooper it's so hard to explain. Such a special boy in so many ways. I love that he is loving towards animals, his family and friends. He loves sports, every sport you can think of, books, movies, trains, trucks. He is BOY BOY BOY! Well, until I am doing my make up, he thinks it's kind of fun to put on a little powder and chap stick :). Cohen has had his makeup done by Cooper as well, luckily it was pretend! I wish I had a picture of Cooper wearing my pony tail holders on his arms for bracelets and 2 or 3 head bands in his hair and of course a pair of hills. Sorry Daddy..I had to add that in!
Cooper has decided he Loves his brother, still some jealousy, but loves to help me with Cohen.They play hard together, luckily Cohen is a big boy and can handle the wrestling. He
is very excited to have a sister on the way and I think will be a wonderful and protective brother.
Cooper and Daddy have so many fun times out in the back yard riding the four wheeler, the tractor and jumping on the trampoline. Very soon we plan to go to the lake where he can see his Daddy do some wakeboarding with some of our good friends. I think we might have a little guy pitching a fit because he will want to be on the board too! Got a new ride for his b-day, it's a scooter and he totally thinks he is the Man! :)
I love my little guy and I am so proud of who he is and who he is becoming.
He is growing up! He looks cute on his new ride. I know he loves it and wishes there were some cool days to enjoy it more. Just when he gets use to Cohen he will be getting another one. I'm sure he is going to love her!