We had a very special Easter this year, well every year. But, this was Cohen's first. The Easter Bunny came to visit the boys. Cooper has really enjoyed eating ALL of his candy. I have really had to ration it for him. Clay and I had nursery duty at church, so no service for us. It is a bit much for Cohen to handle missing a nap and having over 2 hours at church. So our nursery days we don't make it into the service. The boys looked adorable in their Easter outfits. (which we don't do dressy stuff at our church) And well..i can't believe I don't have a picture of Cohen in his outfit. Horrible Mommy. We got home from church and everyone was hungry and tired. After naptime we took the boys to Botanical Gardens..which was lots of fun. Would have been better if Cooper didn't have about 4 time outs there! That's just the way it usually goes. :) He really enjoys going places but wants things to go HIS way, so we are working on that one.
Anyway, here are a few picutres of our day. And I will post more on Cooper's website.
I'm enjoying all of these precious pictures!
ReplyDeleteKeep them coming!!
sounds like a fun weekend cara! the boys are getting sooo big!