We were lucky enough to host Thanksgiving at our house this year! Brent, Merritt and their family came as well as Mom. So we had a house full! 4 kids and 3 dogs that really ruled the Roost :). Mom came several days early and we prepared a lot of the food ahead of time. Thanksgiving day flowed really well. The kids were able to play outside with the boys. They hiked in the woods, jumped on the trampoline and had a fun time. We ended up making a fire that evening and making smores. The kids really enjoyed that ( like they needed more sugar). Oh yes, and Uncle Brent gave the kids all tatoos, which they were very proud of. :)
Brent wanted to go to Dreamland while he was in B-ham, so Clay and Brent did that one day. And the girls got to go to Homewood and eat at a little sandwich shop (which was yummy). We had wonderful chicken salad. The girls took a little extra time and walked in the At Home store as well as O'Henry's and had coffee. I wish we could do that more often!!
We had an early Christmas as well. Cooper got a new train and movie, which he has not put down! And Cohen got a piggy bank, we need to get him saving early :).
Brent and his fam left Sunday morning for the long 10 hour trek back home. I know that was a hard trip for them but really enjoyed our visit!
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