My Family

My Family

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Back to School

Well school is officially back in full swing! All 3 kiddos are in school now!! :) I would like to say it's going to make my life easier but it's not really. They all go to different schools so I feel like a bus driver! :)  I need to find the pictures of Cohen and Cenley...I have them..


I decided to hold off on K-5 for Cohen this year, he has been doing so well in his preschool class we chose to do that one more year and try to mainstream him into regular classes next year. (we hope) So back to school with Mrs.Shew (his happy place)


Cooper is in Second grade and has Mrs. Patterson!  He really likes school so far and his teacher. I am proud of him and hoping for a great year!

Cenley is in Soccer

I have wanted for some time now to get Cenley in some activities! She loves to dance, jump, flip and run! So what to choose, what to choose?? We started out with Soccer this time. She said she wanted to play but when the first practice day arrived she said she was too little to play :). Getting nervous I think. I had to take Cooper to his last day of a class he was taking so Daddy got the privilege of taking her to her first practice.  He said the first 10 minutes she wouldn't join in but finally did and LOVED it. She keeps asking me when she can go back to "basketball."   I asked Clay to take pictures and he sure did, he took 200! Love my photographer!!

So here are a few of her first day!