My baby girl is growing up WAY TOO FAST! Cenley thinks she is a lot bigger than she is. She loves to play with her brothers and tries to keep up with them. She wrestles with them, teases, jumps on the trampoline and much more.
We got Cenley her first tricycle lately and she loves it. We have a little parade going around the neighborhood when we walk to the park. Cooper on his bike, Cenley on her trike and Cohen still being pushed in the little red car :).
Also, For at least the past 2 months Cenley has been talking about using the Potty. Seriously? We still haven't potty trained Cohen. She carries the little frog potty to us and says tt. Well, ok then go ahead. So we let her try and she hasn't actually gone yet, but I am thinking it's pretty close. Love that girl!