The Beach! My favorite place to go in the world. And now I have been to what I believe could be the most beautiful beach, for sure the prettiest I have seen. We met my cousin Diane in Monterrey (where she lives). The kids loved hanging out with Diane and her dog, Lola! She was our tour guide for the day. We walked on the Wharf, had lunch, watched the Sea lions, walked by the water. It was my first time to see real starfish in the ocean. Beauiful, orange starfish stuck to things on the side of the pier. Awesome!!
We had a wonderful lunch and then we took the 16 mile drive along the Coastline. If you haven't heard of this drive it's just beautiful scenery, houses, beaches the entire way. We made multiple stops looking out at at the beaches. There is a really cool Pebble Beach that I really would love to go see again. Then we went to Carmel and played on the beach there. The beach is dog friendly and there were dogs running around everywhere. So next time I think our girls will make the trip! They will LOVE it. We were going to try some family pictures but the sun was going down and they didn't really turn out.