My sweet baby girl is growing so much already! I can't believe she is already 2 weeks old. We had her 1st Doctor check up at 1 week and she was still 6 lbs 9oz. But, I can tell she has really filled out this past week and has grown a little.
We have already had a photo shoot with her which was so much fun for me! Melissa Well's did her photos and came to our house and did a complete set up in our dining room. I couldn't believe all of the props. There were heaters and warming blankets which kept her happy. It was so much fun to watch her get all dressed up and pose for pictures. Absolutely adorable!
I have had some fun dressing her up as well. :) The boys are doing great with Cenley. I am amazed at what a big helper Cooper is being with his's a lot different than when we had Cohen. Cohen on the other hand is a little rough so I have to keep her up and away from him. He doesn't understand quite yet but I think he will be a wonderful big brother.