I can't believe my Cooper has already started 3 year preschool. I didn't know what to expect from him. It has been so much better than expected. I signed him up for only 2 days a week, which I think is perfect for his first year. His teacher is wonderful and Cooper loves to go! He only tells me he looks forward to going to play with cars, but I know by the art work sent him and the songs he sings he is doing so much more! We don't have a lot of little friends to play with so it is really nice to have more socialization for him..and he LOVES his new friends. Cooper also thinks it is cool that he has a lunch box like his Daddy does.
They will be learning Bible verses, painting, music and so much more. I am so excited for him and love my few hours to spend with Cohen as well. Cohen comes home and has a nap and then is able to play with all the toys by himself, and he seems to be in Heaven! :)