My Family

My Family

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank you Gammy!

So this last few months has been a little difficult to get everything done! Doctors appointments for both boys, my appointments are getting closer together and other stuff that just has to be done. It's a little wearing loading both boys in the car getting the appt. done and then unloading. Not complaining..just not always possible. I had 2 appointments last week. Clay usually stays home in the morning to watch the boys when I go on baby check up but he had a presentation at work. I called Mom last minute to ask her to come and help. She packed up the car and got here that day. Thanks Mom :). Even though she forgot half of the stuff she needed. It was nice to have the company and an extra set of hands on our Adventures! :)
I had been wanting to go to the Splash Pad, but no way was I going to do that by myself. So we set out to do that one day. Thank you GPS for getting us there. The boys had so much fun, even though it's quite a little drive out there it was so worth it to see the boys enjoying the water. And it was Free!! That's even better.
We also were able to get the boys away from Clay on Saturday so he could get the baby room painted. So one step closer to having a finished nursery for the Final time! :)

Visit to the Grandparents

We made a trip to Guntersville to visit Clay's parents, Grandmother, Aunt and cousin. We got there early enough for the boys to both swim and play with Daddy in the lake. Clay's Mom set up a blanket and toys at Momma Pat's house for the kids to play. Luckily we had really nice weather and it was somewhat cool. The boys played hard and we went inside for a great lunch. Cohen had really over done it and needed a nap. Apparently Cohen had over done it on the eating and woke up after an hour sick! After being cleaned up he was ready to play some more. He was really enjoying all of the attention he was getting! Cooper played hard with Grandpa and wore him out I am sure!
WE loved our trip even with all of the Drama! :)

Summer Fun

So once again I am way behind on my blogging, apparently I like to do it all at once! :) After going to waterville Cooper decided he really wanted to go on a water slide again. And obviously we are not able to take them to the water park often so Daddy decided to make them one! It was LOTS of fun..even Mommy and Daddy gave it a go :). Cooper used his boogie board going down the slide as well! Cohen climbed the slide and did it as well..Love having boys!!