My Family

My Family

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Free Pantene Anyone?

You can request a free full size sample of Pantene at this site!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day!

We had a very fun and special Valentine's Day weekend! Parents night at the YMCA was Saturday night. So Cooper had a pizza party and fun and games. Clay, Cohen and I went to the Outback for our Valentine's Day dinner. We had to wait a little over an hour but Cohen was a trooper. I was very impressed how well he did throughout dinner.
I waited to give the boys their Valentine's gifts until after Church so Cooper wouldn't be sugared up for his Sunday School teacher! There were just a few little goodies in their buckets but of course Cooper's favorite thing was candy! :)

Snow Day!!

We finally got some snow! It was just beautiful to watch. When the snow started coming down i didn't think it would stick but it finally did. It snowed from morning until about 6:00 in the evening. I bundled the boys up after lunch and took them out. Cooper enjoyed the snow, but really just did his typical stuff with his bikes and balls. After about 20 minutes he wanted to go in and get warm! :) Daddy came home early from work and was so excited to get everyone out there to play. So we had a snowboard and a boogie board out there to play with. The snowboard worked best. I even took one ride down our little hill. Clay took Cooper out in the woods on their trail and they snowboarded down that too! :)
The dogs had just as much fun! Switch made snow angels and Mobie chased snowballs!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Missing in Action

So..I have been really slacking on posting lately. The boys have really been keeping me on my toes . I think Cooper is tired of being inside so much.. he would love to be out with all of his balls and bikes. Clay bundles him up and takes him on hikes on the weekends though. I wish I could do that. I just don't feel comfortable getting Cohen out in this cold weather. Cohen is still not crawling but rolling everywhere and really wants to pull up. I don't think it will be much longer. He has said his first word.'s DA DA DA. At least I had Cooper say Momma first :).

Mom came for a visit this week and helped me out a LOT! I scheduled all of the appts. I could think of so I had help. Cohen had his 8 month check up today! Doc says he is great. He is now 23 lbs and 10oz (95 percentile) and 28 inches long (90 percentile). Growing like a weed but has slowed down a little.

Cooper is now registered for pre school. He will be starting at our church 2 days a week. I am happy for him and all of his new experiences. And for myself, to have a little time to get a few things done. :)

I will try to post some pictures soon, I have honestly not even looked at the pictures we have taken in about a month, that is so sad.