My Family

My Family

Monday, September 28, 2009


So, I made my second trip of my new fun thing to do...CVSing :). There are so many deals to be made at these stores that I just never knew about. My new favorite blog to read is Southern Savers. This girl has everything you need to learn about saving money at many stores. She even tells you what coupons to use and sometimes links to print them. Love it!
So last week I did pretty well, but I did even better this week. I had 10 dollars of ECB's (which is like money) and also a 5 off of 25 coupon. I also had clipped coupons for every item that I was buying in the store. My new thing is to have a list when I go to a store and try to stick to it. I am bad about picking up random things that makes my bill so much higher.
Anyway, I got my items which were tide, dawn, and expensive vaseline lotion, some new cool breeze razors,2 bags of halloween candy, scope mouthwash. My total after my coupons was 26 and I used my 10 ECBs to make it 16 dollars I had to pay. But, I earned 13.50 in ECB's on this trip so that actually makes it like I only spent $2.50 on this trip. So several hours of research and my total is $2.50. How exciting is that :).

Gammy's Visit

So I was thrilled to have Mom come this past week for a few days for a visit. And so were the boys. I had several Doctors appointments and Mom was able to stay with the boys so i could go to the those. Sometimes I put that stuff off because it is hard to get away.
Mom ofcourse spoiled the boys rotten! We went to Jumping Jax and Habaneros one day, Chuck e cheese one day and also the Mall. Full week of going and playing. She even made me a yummy cake for my birthday. The first time in about 10 years I have seen my Mom around my b-day. So that was lots of fun.
Thanks Mom from all of us! :) I really don't have many pictures from this trip, they are on Mom's camera.


Ok, so my new favorite thing is Couponing! I am obsessed. I have really been trying hard for the past 2 years to save money by finding deals and using coupons. I really want to find ways to save as much as I can for our future! If I can't have a job on the outside of the home I feel the desire to help our family out as much as I can by taking the time to do this. So anyway...
I have been reading and researching blogs and getting ideas from friends on ways to save! Clay even got me a Couponizer for my b-day (really cool by they way).
So, my first trip to the grocery store with some of my new tips I felt I did pretty well. I knew I could have done a little better, just because I wasn't able to print some of the coupons that were out there. Publix is pretty expensive but has some really good deals, so I only buy what is on sale and that I have a coupon for. This past trip I spent 76.97 and had a savings of 57.51. I was quite proud because this even included diapers! I look forward to my trip tonight to CVS some really good deals there. So I better get going on printing my coupons for that one! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Morning out with the Boys!

I like to take the boys out once or twice a week. It's just good for us all to get a change
of scenery and be around others. So, we started out with our usual Chic fi la lunch (which I think
we need a change from too). I love to go there because they are so helpful, carrying our lunch to our table and just very friendly over all!
I decided to take pictures of the boys this time. When I stood up to take the pictures this lady walks up and says Oh No I will take that for you so you can be in the picture. She just snapped away and even made sure to take things out of the way to get better shots. She explained she had grandchildren and was missing them. She went by the name of "Honey."
As we were packing up to leave we still talked to her a little more and she asked if she could help and I told her we were fine. As I was walking out the door she came running out and grabbed Cooper's hand seeing I had no extra hands to get across the street. She continued out and even helped him in his carseat. Cooper proceeded to give Honey a kiss and said Bye Bye. I don't know if any of you believe in Angels, but I do. And this morning Honey was our Angel. She said God Bless as she walked away.. and I agree he does.
This may seem like such a small thing, but to me and to many Mothers it's huge. So, this was a huge reminder to me to be more like Honey and give to people no matter how small it may seem!
I will attach pictures soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Labor Day Weekend!

Can you say slacker? I am way behind on posting. I am going to cast blame on my hubby. I have to wait on him to upload the pictures from his computer to mine. So.. I guess I will start with Labor Day weekend. We were so excited to have a long weekend. So much to do and so little time. Clay and I got Cooper a play set for his Birthday ( in June) and there are still some things left to do.. But, Clay worked really hard getting the rocks out under the play set. We still have a little left but Cooper is loving it.
We also made a trip to Guntersville on Monday to see Clay's family. WE had hamburgers and hotdogs out on Mama Pat's deck. Cooper later entertained us all playing some piano with performances also given by Aunt Sandy and Clay! :) He wore out his Grandfather dragging him all over the yard to play and was completely worn out from all the running around. Cohen just enjoyed being spoiled rotten! More pictures are on the website.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cohen Update

My baby has already hit the 3 month mark! Wow, it really does go by quickly. Some days it feels like he has been here for a long time because it's so much work. But, then there are days I look at him and just can't believe how much he has grown in such a short period of time. Everyone told me with Cooper that I wasn't going to have a baby as good as he is. Cooper was so laid back, ate well, slept well... all of that. I don't know Cohen seems to be even more laid back, eats great and has been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks now. I am just so proud of my sweet baby and his sweet little personality. Cohen is now doing his jumperoo, baby gym and smiling and talking like crazy. Just a happy happy baby and we all love him.
Today was Cohen's 3 month check up. He is very healthy and Dr. Levin said he looks great. He was 16 lbs 4 oz and 25 1/4 inches. My growing boy. :)